Re: Word vs. Pagemaker

Subject: Re: Word vs. Pagemaker
From: "Biederman, K.A." <KBiederman -at- OCWEN -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 10:06:22 -0500


I had a similar experience. I've been a PageMaker user for the past
three years and I love it. I've written some giant manuals in it and
have never had a problem. It's a wonderful tool. It's great for flexible
layout design and it's word processing capabilities aren't too bad,
either. As long as you work locally, you should not have any problems.
The only problems I ever had were when I stored my files on the network
rather than on my hard drive. Apparently there is a known bug with PM
and networks (it might just be a Novell thing - not sure). Hopefully
they'll fix it soon.

At my new job I have to use Word for almost everything. But for user
guides I can use PM. I'm also trying to learn FrameMaker in my "spare"

Best of luck with it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Johnson [SMTP:michaelj -at- OECMED -dot- COM]
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 1998 8:15 PM
> Subject: Word vs. Pagemaker
> I started using Pagemaker about 4 months ago after using Word 6, Word
> 95, and Word 97 for most of the previous three years. I have these
> observations:
> 1. My blood pressure is down a full 20 points.
> 2. My artwork is all present and accounted for.
> 3. My productivity has increased about 40%.
> 4. None of my documents has crashed or choked, and some of them are
> really big.
> Has anybody else had a similar experience?
> Thanks!
> Mike Johnson
> OEC Medical Systems
> Salt Lake City, UT
> michaelj -at- oecmed -dot- com

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