question: intranet

Subject: question: intranet
From: DURL <durl -at- BUFFNET -dot- NET>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 12:45:42 -0500

If you've set up an intranet that provides on-line procedure
manuals, or used an intranet to support your on-line procedure manuals,
could you please let me know:
* tools (authoring software)
* insight on access issues
* hardware concerns to watch out for

Please note that I'm making a distinction between software on-line
help and on-line manuals for plant processes. (I'm interestsed in the
I'll summarize and post any responses.

Mary Durlak Erie Documentation Inc.
East Aurora, New York (near Buffalo)
durl -at- buffnet -dot- net

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