Re: I need help ;)

Subject: Re: I need help ;)
From: Tracy Boyington <tracy_boyington -at- OKVOTECH -dot- ORG>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:17:55 -0600

> According to David Siegel (web guru extraordinaire),
> your design shouldn't suffer because of the
> limitations HTML puts on you, but I'm just plain stumped.

One should take the David Siegels of the world with a grain of salt.

Yes, he does cool things. And yes, you can do cool things too. But that
doesn't mean you *must*. Some of the limitations of HTML are there for a
reason -- you sacrifice some control in order to maintain portability,
compatability, etc.

The first time I ever heard of David Siegel I eagerly went to his site
to see what I "should" be doing. Except I couldn't see most of his cool
stuff. My 486 with 8 meg of RAM and Netscape 2.X just didn't have the
cojones (an Austin girl should understand that ;-) to handle His
Coolness -- and this was on a T1 line!

I'm not saying don't be cool. I'm just saying that when you leave plain
old vanilla HTML behind, you leave some of your audience behind. You
have to decide if they're worth keeping.

I like your site. I think it's pretty cool. However, I do think you
should view it under different screen resolutions... at 800 X 600, I had
a vertical scroll bar on the front page (not a problem, but I don't
think it's the effect you intended) and a horizontal scroll bar on the
third page (which could be a problem -- people tend to expect vertical
scrolling, but not horizontal).

Tracy Boyington tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Stillwater, OK, USA

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