Re: Bribing Corporate Clients; was Billing Problems...

Subject: Re: Bribing Corporate Clients; was Billing Problems...
From: "Documentation Dept." <docdept -at- YAHOO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 1998 07:05:22 -0800

> What if a vendor brings in a box of doughnuts? "I'm sorry Mr.
> Widgetseller
> but it would be extremely dishonest of me if I ate that French

I once got the undying loyalty of an entire printshop with a
well-timed box of donuts. It wasn't a bribe but a reward - they had
brought in a large rush job under their normal price and well ahead of
schedule, so they got a box of donuts along with the check.

It was a small gesture and a small expense on our part that won huge
goodwill benefits from the printshop. Small gestures can have a big
impact without looking like bribery attempts.

Nea Dodson (the account is the company's but the opinions are mine)
DocDept -at- yahoo -dot- com
Computer Based Systems, Inc.
The opinions expressed are mine only, and do not
necessarily reflect those of CBSI or EPA/EPCRA

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