
Subject: ClickBook
From: Damien Braniff <Damien_Braniff -at- PAC -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 14:05:46 +0000

Has anyone out there got experience of this product? We got it recently to
print some of out datasheets/smaller manuals as A5 booklets. Worked fine
when we tried it but I've now come across a problem. Since we were taken
over (not too long ago) all new lit must have the "group" corporate logo as
well as our own logo. This done for new lit and incorporated into old lit
as it is updated.

We use Word and the logo goes in a 2-column table in the footer - first
cell contains our logo, name and contact address, the second the group

The problem is that ClickBook doesn't seem to like graphics in footers. No
problem, remove the table from the footer - no joy. Removed from table and
put in two adjacent frames - no joy. Remove the group logo and it's OK but
I don't know why as both logos are bitmaps. I'm about to group the lot
together and try it as one graphic but I'm not overly optimistic. Anyone
out there got any suggestions?


Damien Braniff
Technical Author
PAC International

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