Re: Disappearing graphics in Word?

Subject: Re: Disappearing graphics in Word?
From: "Susan E. Gallagher" <sgallagher -at- STEEPLECHASE -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 14:45:14 -0500

Just got a response -- it appears that this is another Word 97 bug that
necessitates installing the Microsoft Service Release (SR-1). SR-1 is
available on the Microsoft www site.

Perhaps this info will help others experiencing the same problem....

sgallagher -at- STEEPLECHASE -dot- COM on 01/06/98 02:26:29 PM

Please respond to sgallagher -at- STEEPLECHASE -dot- COM

cc: (bcc: Susan E Gallagher/Marketing/Steeplechase)
Subject: Disappearing graphics in Word?

I am on the PC using Word 97. I directly pasted a series of screen shots
into my doc, and they displayed properly. The next time I opened the doc --
they were replaced by a series of red Xs.
I've scanned the help and the knowledge bases and can't find any refs to
this -- has anyone run across this problem and found a fix? Wading through
the Microsoft tech support maze is always an extreme challenge, and I
haven't always gotten an answer.

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