Re: phrasing of unavailable options

Subject: Re: phrasing of unavailable options
From: James Lockard <norton -at- MCS -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 18:57:08 -0600

Bev Parks said,

>I've used "This option will be implemented in a future release" in text.
>Like Barb, I don't know how it would work in online help.

Due to a recent event at work, this subject has been on my mind recently.
Is it just a personal pet peeve of mine, or shouldn't we really try to
avoid including these sorts of predictions in our manuals? I mean, the
software creation process being what it tends to be, what happens if a
feature we've dutifully stated is forthcoming never appears?

IMHO, this sort of conditional information about what will be belongs in
memos or perhaps README files, but not in a manual. Manuals should
accurately describe what the product is now and what the product does now.
Otherwise, you are inviting all sorts of maintenance nightmares.

Why would you want to include a statement like "planned future option" or
"will be implemented in a future release" in the manual or online help?

James Lockard
norton -at- mcs -dot- net
jamesl -at- dmti -dot- com

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Barb Ostapina [SMTP:Barb -dot- Ostapina -at- METROMAIL -dot- COM]
>>I've used "CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE (Planned future option)"
>>in text. Don't know how it would work in online help.
>>Hello all,
>>I'm working on an online help file and I have to state that an option is
>>unavailable, but will be with future enhancements....etc. Any
>>suggestions on a good way to phrase this?
>>(klor -at- intface -dot- com)

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