Re: JavaScript

Subject: Re: JavaScript
From: "Bergen, Jane" <janeb -at- ANSWERSOFT -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 14:04:30 -0600

David (and anyone else),

We've had several messages lately on this subject, plus you can go to a
search engine (for example, Infoseek, Yahoo, Lycos, or others) and
search on "JavaScript" and you will find more than you ever wanted to
know. For starters, here are a few URLs that might be helpful:

Also, I bought Danny Goodman's "JavaScript Bible" (may not be exact
title), which was highly recommended at the WinHelp conference. It seems
pretty straightforward.

JavaScript is "just" (she said glibly) another script type language, but
is usually associated with HTML pages. It is NOT a subset of Java
programming language. While it has it's advantages, you might also look
into Dynamic HTML (DHTML) as I'm seeing some overlap in the final
results, if not the means to achieve those results. JavaScript
description and behavior and implementation is too long for this list
and probably off-topic anyway.

Good luck,

Jane Bergen

On Tuesday, November 04, 1997 11:51 AM, David Slonosky
[SMTP:David -dot- Slonosky -at- ITLS -dot- COM] wrote:
> What is this? How does it differ from normal Java? And does anyone
residing in
> the GTA know of any courses for beginners?
> (GTA will have no meaning to 99% of North Americans, so don't worry if
> don't get the reference. . .)
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