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Subject:Re: Anyone Using Adobe FrameMaker? From:David Somers <David -dot- SOMERS -at- ST -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 30 Sep 1996 09:54:23 +0200
Stuart Bunfield said:
I'm a happy user of FrameMaker 5 on Solaris and Windows 95. It's not
perfect but it's pretty damn close to it for what I do (software manuals).
It doesn't seem to have suffered from the takeover by Adobe.
The Win95/NT version was about a year late... part of the reason for the
delay was the takeover of Frame by Adobe (well, that was part of their
I'm just waiting to see how/if Adobe will develop FrameMaker in the next
few months. [ Anybody got contact details for Interleaf? ;-) ]
David Somers
david -dot- somers -at- st -dot- com
(Usual disclaimer - speaking for myself and not ST)