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Subject:Re: Insure vs. Ensure From:"Wing, Michael J" <mjwing -at- INGR -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 26 Sep 1996 09:52:41 -0500
I basically think of ensure as "to make certain that something that you
want will occur or something that you do not want will not occur" and
insure as "to provide coverage/protection should something occur that
you do not want or something you want does not occur".
Mike Wing
_/ Michael Wing
_/ Principal Technical Writer
_/ Infrastructure Technical Information Development
_/ Intergraph Corporation
_/ Huntsville, Alabama
_/ (205) 730-7250
_/ mjwing -at- ingr -dot- com
>Recently had to look this up. Seems it is a matter of preference (or
>region) whether one uses "insure" instead of "ensure" or "assure". At least
>that's what the American Heritage usage note states!
>Kim Wallace, Untitled Manager of Marketing Services
>Enserch Energy Services, Inc.
>1301 Fannin, 23rd Floor
>Houston, TX 77002