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Subject:Re: Making up user names From:Rebecca Phillips <rebecca -at- QRONUS -dot- CO -dot- IL> Date:Tue, 24 Sep 1996 15:57:27 +-200
The idea of writers using their own names also makes me uneasy.
There are typically anywhere between eight and eighty developers
per writer, right? Suppose those developers all decided to sneak
little Kilroy messages of their own into the product...
I knew something bothered me about this naming scheme. You helped me put my finger on it.
Incidentally, programmers do sneak messages in and you can never get them out. I documented on product where a programmer put in a little cute "Au revior and have a nice day!" message which appeared whenever you finished a particular configuration sequence. Of course, this got very low urgency ratings on the bug-fix list, and I am sure that (3 years after its creation) it is still in the program.
Rebecca M. Phillips
Documentation Manager
Qronus Interactive Ltd.
Automated System Testing
rebecca -at- qronus -dot- co -dot- il