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Subject:Re: Help with FrameMaker V5 Math Characters? From:Stephen Victor <svictor -at- LGC -dot- COM> Date:Fri, 6 Sep 1996 09:10:58 -0500
Gregory Turnbull wrote:
> Hi, does anyone know how I can get an underscore character (_) into a
> FrameMaker V5.x equation? FM keeps interpreting this as a keyboard
It looks as though you're trying to reproduce calculations that are done
with database fields? Frame's math editor allows you to use only
numerals, letters, and valid math operators and symbols. Its character
set includes a variety of Greek characters and such, but since an
underscore alone isn't (I think) ever used in any sort of equation
ordinarily, you can't enter it with the math editor. (I played around
with the underscore diacritical mark, but I couldn't get it to place an
underscore without a character above it.)
I'm certainly no math expert by the wildest stretch of the imagination,
so I could be wrong about underscores not being used in equations. Any
mathematicians in the group?
Stephen P. Victor svictor -at- lgc -dot- com
Landmark Graphics Corporation svictor -at- compassnet -dot- com
15150 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX 77079 USA De gustibus non disputandum est
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