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Subject:Re: Citing Internet Content From:David Wood <dave -dot- wood -at- MARRIOTT -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 3 Sep 1996 12:32:06 EST
I've been on vacation, so please forgive any duplication if this
topic has already been done to death. Before I left, there was a
thread on the correct way to cite internet content in a
As luck would have it, this topic is addressed in the September
1996 issue of "Internet World" magazine. In addition to the
article and examples, URLs are provided to numerous sources on
the 'Net.
Dave Wood, Documentation Manager | No profit grows where is no |
Corporate Accounting Services | pleasure taken. |
Marriott International | |
Washington DC (301) 380-4339 | Taming of the Shrew, 1:1 |
dave -dot- wood -at- marriott -dot- com | |
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