STC 2nd VP Election

Subject: STC 2nd VP Election
From: Elizabeth Babcock <lizbab -at- RIDGECREST -dot- CA -dot- US>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 18:07:02 -0800

Please excuse the lateness of this response to Bonni Graham's message of
a few days ago ("LANCE FOR STC VP!!!"). Evidently, as I'm getting used to
my new mailer, I sent my reply to Bonni only, not to the list. So thanks,
Bonni, for pointing that out, and let me try again.

I was temporarily signed off the list as I moved my books, e-mail, etc.,
from my office to my home, so I did not see the message from "Bill" that
Bonni gave a hearty second to in her "Lance for STC VP" message. However,
I do want to make a few comments that I hope will be viewed as
constructive. The STC Board has a hearty distaste for candidates' doing a
lot of politicking to get elected to STC jobs, and there's a good reason
for that. Sometimes the most publicly visible people are not the best
ones to get the job done. Our experience in the past has been that
electioneering often results in the wrong people getting elected.

I'm not presenting these remarks from the position of saying who I think
you should vote for, and I certainly agree that Lance has many good
qualities for STC leadership. However, we have two other excellent
candidates on the ballot, too (both of whom are active and constructive
members of this list, BTW). Larry Kunz and Binion Amerson have both had
lengthy and constructive service in a variety of STC positions. I would
hope that the voting would take place based on the candidates' views as
stated in the ballot, the candidates' track records, and what would be
best for STC.

I'd like to close with a few remarks about STC's Nominating Committee.
This committee is made up of excellent and experienced STC leaders who
know what kinds of people can do the best job to lead the Society. The
committee does a *lot* of work to ensure that the strongest possible
slate is presented to the members. This year's committee manager, JoAnn
Hackos, is putting together a videotape that will be available to
chapters in which all three candidates--Binion Amerson and Larry Kunz,
the two nominated by the committee, and Lance Gelein, the one entering
the slate by petition--will be given an oppportunity to present their
qualifications to the members. If you want to see this videotape, be sure
to tell your chapter leaders, who can obtain the tape from the STC Office
for chapter viewing.

Liz Babcock
Immediate Past President, STC
lizbab -at- owens -dot- ridgecrest -dot- ca -dot- us

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