Re: Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide

Subject: Re: Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide
From: Rod Franklin <franklir -at- TCPLINK -dot- NREL -dot- GOV>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 12:53:09 MDT

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Subject: Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide
Author: Peter Kent <71601 -dot- 1266 -at- COMPUSERVE -dot- COM> at SMTP
Date: 10/31/95 11:08 AM

A few years ago I wrote a book called The Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide.
Sterling Publishing recently allowed it to go out of print, but I've decided to
update and republish it, myself or with another publisher.I've been told that
this book has been mentioned in the techwr-l list, so at
least a few members of this list have read it. Does anyone have any
suggestions for what they'd like to see added to this book?

Peter: I work down the street from you at NREL. I bought your book and
thought it was excellent. I especially liked how you dwelled on the
negotiation side of freelancing and quoted Texas hourly rates. To include a
little of the same for Colorado or Seattle or other areas with lots of
software companies would be great.

Also, would anyone like to offer their own (attributed) tips to fellow
freelancers? I'm toying with the idea of adding a chapter that would
contain small (2- or 3-paragraph) pieces of advice from other
freelance technical writers.

Information on freelancing for non-software technical clients
(science, engineering, etc.) would be very helpful. There is little
discussion on this list of non-software related subjects or client

Does anyone know what happened to PD News, the contractors publication? They
seem to have moved--out of business, maybe? And can anyone recommend any
freelancers publications that they find useful?

Thanks very much for all your help,

Peter Kent

E-mail from: Peter Kent, 31-Oct-1995

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