PageMaker? what to do.

Subject: PageMaker? what to do.
From: Timothy Schablin <timothy -at- ESKIMO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:15:29 -0800

Recently, I received a call from a potential client to write a software
manual. He ask me about my expertise & stuff, and seemed quite interested
in my qualifications. He asked me what I use to write in. I told him I
use MS-Word or WordPerfect. The client said he needed the manual written
in PageMaker. I told him I know hos to use PageMaker and I could get it,
but I don't have PageMaker now.

Well, that was the end of that potential client. He said "I will find
someone else." and hung up.

What can you do? PageMaker is pretty steep in price. The job would have
paid for PageMaker many times over, but what if another client wants it
in something else.

What does one tell these clients?


timothy -at- eskimo -dot- com

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