FW: company selling email addresses

Subject: FW: company selling email addresses
From: "Delaney, Misti" <ncr02!ncr02!mdelaney -at- UCS01 -dot- ATTMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 1995 12:05:00 -0500

From: Price, Becca
Subject: company selling email addresses
Date: Saturday, October 21, 1995 11:00AM

this is not directly related to the list, but it seems that list members
should be aware of it. I won't post the whole thing, but I just got word
from a *very* reliable source that The Marketry company of Bellvue,
Washington is now selling email addresses of Internet users obtained from
Newsgroup postings. From the company's press release:

"These are email address of individuals who are actively using the
Internet to obtain and transfer information. They have demonstrated
a substantial interest in specific area of information on the Internet.
They are regularly accessing information in their interest areas from
newsgroups, Internet chats and websites.... The file is anticipated
to grow at the rate of 250,000 E Mail addresses per month, all with
Interest selections."

Interest areas currently covered include Adult, Computer, Sports, Science,
Education, News, Investor, Games, Entertainment, Religion, Pets. The
release notes that "additional interests areas will be added, please
inquire." Activities of US and non-US Net users will be included
in the Marketry product.

Mail me and I'll forward the complete text of the posting. I also got a
really wonderful letter that my source sent back to these jerks, and I have
his permission to post it to anyone who is interested.

becca price
ncr02!bprice -at- attmail -dot- com

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