Re: "Newbie"seeks to work as independent

Subject: Re: "Newbie"seeks to work as independent
From: Jane Bergen <janeb -at- ANSWERSOFT -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 09:03:49 +0000

Mary Daly Solman writes:

> Hello, All:

> I'm a Denverite who hopes to find a niche as an independent tech
> writer/editor. I would prefer to work part-time from an office (or
> offices) and part-time from my home using Microsoft software (I own
> Office and Visual Basic products).

> I would also be interested in a junior-senior tech writer
> partnership so that I might "learn the ropes."

> Is there a market for these sorts of things? If so, how does one
> enter it?
> What types of assignments might I expect?

> Thank you in advance for your ideas! --MDS

Mary, I think you need to look at SEVERAL factors before you can
answer your questions:

* You use the word "newbie" so I assume that you have no tech writing
experience. What about education? Do you understand what tech writing
is all about? Many people assume that because their grammar skills
are good that they can "do technical writing"!

* What industry interests you? It may be software, hardware,
multimedia, scientific, medical.....and on and on. What qualifies you
to write about any of these things? Are you proficient on PCs, Macs?
What do you know about desktop publishing?

* Have you checked out the resources available to you, beginning with
the local chapter of the Society for Technical Communication? They
may have special interest committees such as Independent Contractors
and Consultants. They may also have a mentoring program that matches
new writers with more experienced writers.

* What do you mean by "these sorts of things"?

Good luck to you. You can learn from this list if you first just READ
the posts for a few weeks. The folks here are helpful and
knowledgeable, but also very no-nonsense. Most are busy professionals
who are happy to answer serious, thoughtful questions.

Jane Bergen
Jane Bergen
Technical Writer
janeb -at- answersoft -dot- com or janeb -at- iadfw -dot- net
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word
is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug" (Mark Twain)

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