Re: Information Mapping?

Subject: Re: Information Mapping?
From: Elisa Miller <emiller -at- SMTPGWY -dot- ISINET -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 10:10:29 -0400

I am familiar with two uses of the term "information maping"
one of which is a documentation system used by Informaiton
Mapping, Inc, based on a set of principles employed by
educational technologists. The theories break up tasks
according to whether the learner needs to learn a motor
skill, a fact (memorization), a concept, etc. Training (and
the development of training materials and documentation) is
based on the theory that each one of the task types needs a
slightly different approach as they require different
learning skills.

The other use of the term is based on a set of note-taking
and planning skills called "mind mapping" devised by Tony
Buzan, which yields a piece of paper with a mental "map" of
the subject at hand. I have used the process to map
presentations, to take notes in classes and meetings and to
conceptualize projects. Typically, you would take a sheet
of paper and put the central concept in the middle. Using
different colors of ink, you develop notes (or whatever)
branching off from the central concept.

If you are interested in the Information Mapping
organization and their classes, I can provide their address.
I have much more material at home on both of these subjects
and would be willing to share it with anyone who is

Elisa Miller "Whatever you can do or
Institute for Scientific Information dream you can, begin it.
3501 Market Street Boldness has genius, power
Philadelphia, Pa 19104 and magic in it."
(215)386-0100 x 1395 Goethe
emiller -at- isinet -dot- com

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