Re: e-mail / social skills

Subject: Re: e-mail / social skills
From: Richard Foley <richard -at- INGLE -dot- DEMON -dot- CO -dot- UK>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 07:54:52 +0100

In article <Pine -dot- 3 -dot- 89 -dot- 9509231258 -dot- A5921-0100000 -at- world -dot- std -dot- com>,
Richard G Harris <rgh -at- world -dot- std -dot- com> wrote:

>email / social skills...
>I'm still concerned about how it affects the cocktail party type of
>face-to-face social skills. My last boss depended on these skills at
>company gatherings to get many things accomplished.

>Also, since much face-to-face communicating depends on the nonverbal body
>language, can smileys really replace it? Body language really
>communicates a lot. I can understand a desire to hide some of that by
>using e-mail, but is it a copout?

This can work both ways:
In my case people/potential clients (?) are viewing my web site, _they_
then contact _me_, with a view to discussing illustration work. Fine so
far. Then we get into some email exchange and, after perhaps a week or
two, the prospect fizzles.
Remember, THEY contacted ME, & THEN changed their minds.

Now then, why is this?
Perhaps they: a. Find my "email-party-talk" not quite what they expected?

b. Don't like the ".uk" at the end of my email address?

c. Decide not to use the Internet after all?

d. Any other suggestions? (polite please) :-)


Richard Foley, RFI Ingleton, UK richard -at- ingle -dot- demon -dot- co -dot- uk
Maintainer of the Technical Illustration FAQ; "Techill-FAQ"

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