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BOOKS & WEB SITES: Updated List
BOOKS & WEB SITES: Updated List
Gregory Keith <GKeith -at- DELRINA -dot- COM>
Wed, 19 Jul 1995 15:11:00 PDT
Techwhirler folk;
It's that time again. Here's a newer version of my book list, incorporating
a new section on training with five recommended titles from TECHWR-L, a good
book on Word (DTP Tools), details on the OSF/Motif style guide, and a
listing of 35 Web sites of interest to tech writers, including (among
others) two on-line computer dictionaries and some good Web & WinHelp design
sites (Windows Help Universe Page: WOW!). As always, please send flames,
comments, additions, corrections, suggestions to me personally.
Gregory Keith
Documentation Specialist
Delrina Canada
gkeith -at- delrina -dot- com
(Last updated July 18/95)
When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and
clothes - Erasmus
Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Learning to Give, Take and Use Instructions,
by Richard Saul Wurman. (Bantam, 1992). Hardcover $29.50 (Can). ISBN
Handbook of Technical Writing, by Charles T. Brusaw, Gerald J. Alred and
Walter E. Oliu. 4th edition. (St. Martin's Press, 1993). 800+ pages.
How to Write and Present Technical Information, by Charles H. Sides. 2nd
ed.(Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1991). ISBN 0-89774-627-9.
Mark My Words, by Peggy Smith. (Alexandria, VA: Editorial Experts, Inc.,
1987). ISBN: 0-935012-08-7, 342 pages. Softcover.
On Writing Well, by William Zinsser. Fifth edition, revised. (New York:
Harper and Row, 1994).ISBN 0-06-014804-7.
Simple & Direct: A Rhetoric for Writers, Revised Edition, by Jacques Barzun.
(Harper & Row, 1985).
Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace, by Joseph Williams. 4th edition.(
New York: Harper-Collins, 1995. ISBN: 0-673-46593-4, 260 pages.
Technical Communications, by Rebecca E. Burnett. Third edition.(Belmont,CA:
Wadsworth Publishing, 1994).
Techniques for Technical Communicators, by Carol M .Barnum and Saul
Carliner. (1993: MacMillan Publishing Company).
The Elements of Technical Writing by Gary Blake & Robert W. Bly; Macmillan;
copyright 1993; ISBN 0-02-013085-6.
The Fine Art of Technical Writing, by Carol Rosenblum Perry. (Blue Heron,
1991).ISBN 0-926085-24-X.
Working with Words: A Concise Handbook for Media Writers and Editors, by
Brian S. Brooks and James L. Pinson. 2nd ed. (New York: St. Martin+s Press,
1993). ISBN 0-312-06662-7. 100+ pages.
Writing for the Computer Industry, by Kristin R. Woolever and Helen M. Loeb.
(Publisher, 19??).
Writing Well for the Technical Professions, by Anne Eisenberg. (Custom
Publishing, 19??). ISBN 006-0418-923.
ABC's of Type, by Allan Haley (Watson-Guptill Publications, 1990). ISBN
0-8230-0053-2, 128 pp.
Designing Instructional Text, by James Hartley. (East Brunswick NJ: Nichols,
Methods of Book Design, by Hugh Williamson (3rd edition, Yale Univ.Press,
Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, by Erik Spiekermann & E.M.
Ginger (Adobe Press: Mountain View, CA, 1993). ISBN 0-672-48543-5, 174
The Desktop Style Guide, by James Felici (New York: Bantam, 1991). $11.95
paperback. ISBN: 0-553-35445-0.
The Elements of Typographic Style, by Robert Bringhurst (Hartley and Marks,
1992). ISBN 0-88179-033-8. Paper, 254 pp.
The Non-designer's Design Book: Design and Typographic Principles for the
Visual Novice, by Robin Williams (Berkeley: Peachpit Press, 1994). 144 pp,
$14.95 US. ISBN 1-56609-159-4.
The Word for Windows Design Companion, by Katherine Pfeiffer (Ventana Press,
19??). ISBN: 0-940087-77-4, $21.95.
Words Into Type, by Marjorie E. Skillin. 3rd edition. (Prentice-Hall, 1974).
Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. Second edition (MS Press, 1995).ISBN
1-55615-597-2, 456 pages, softcover. $19.95 US.
Beyond Paper: The Official Guide to Adobe Acrobat. (Adobe Press, 19??).
ISBN: 1-56830-050-6. To order call Hayden Publishers at 1-800-428-5331.
Design Principles for Desktop Publishers, by Tom Lichty. (HarperCollins,
Desktop Publishing Success, by Felix Kramer & Maggie Lovass. (Business
One/Irwin, 1991).
Structured Publishing from the Desktop: Frame Technology's FrameMaker by
Michael Fraase. (Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 1992). ISBN
The Frame Handbook: Building Framemaker Documents That Work, by Linda
Branagan & Michael Sierra. (O'Reilly & Ass., Inc., 1994.) 1st edition. 506
pp, ISBN: 1-56592-009-0.
The QuarkXPress Book: Fourth Edition for Macintosh, by David Blatner and
Eric Taub. (Peachpit Press, 19??). ISBN 1-56609-129-2.
The QuarkXPress Book: Second Edition for Windows, by David Blatner and Bob
Weibel (Peachpit Press, 19??). ISBN 1-56609-135-7.
The Underground Guide to Word for Windows, by Woody Leonhard. (NY:
Addison-Wesley, 19??). ISBN 0-201-40650-0. $19.95 US ($25.95 Cdn), 312
Designing, Writing, and Producing Computer Documentation, by Lynn Denton and
Jody Kelly. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993). 258 pages, softcover.
How to Write Usable User Documentation, by Edmond H. Weiss. Second edition.
(Oryx Press, 1991). ISBN 089-774-6392. ($27.95 US). Contact Oryx Press
toll-free at (fax) 1-800-279-4663, or (602)265-2651, or by mail to Oryx
Press, 4041 North Central at Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85012-3397.
Mastering Documentation (With Document Masters for Systems Development,
Control & Delivery. Paula Bell & Charlotte Evans. (NY: John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1989). Hardcover edition ISBN 0-471-41497-1.
Writing Better Computer User Documentation, by R. John Brockmann (NY: John
Wiley & Sons, 1990). 364 pages, softcover.
Apple Publications Style Guide. (Cupertino, CA: Apple Computer, February
(Available from Apple Products Developer's Association at (US)
1-800-282-2732/ (Can) 1-800-637-0029 and on the Web at
www.info.apple.com/dev/developerservices.html, under the Publication Guides
directory. 380K compressed and binhexed.)
Digital Style Guide, by Susan I. Schultz, Jennifer J. Darrow, Frank X.
Kavanagh and Marjorie J. Morse. (Burlington, MA: Digital Press,
1993).(Reviewed by Durthy A. Washington in STC's Journal, Vol. 42, No. 1.)
Microsoft Publications Style Guide. Version 1.0. (Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Corp, 1991).
OSF/Motif Style Guide. Version 1.0. (Open Software Foundation, Prentice-Hall
ISBN 0-13-640491-X.
Xerox Publishing Standards: A Manual of Style and Design. Xerox Corporation.
(Watson-Guptill Publications, 1988). ISBN 0-8230-5964-2.
The Levels of Edit, 2nd Ed., by Mary Fran Buehler and Robert Van Buren
(1980: JPL Publications, Publication 80-1).
Copyediting: A Practical Guide, by Karen Judd.(Los Altos, CA: William
Kaufmann, Inc., 1982).
Editing Technical Writing, by Donald Samson Jr. (1993: Oxford Univ. Press).
How to Edit Technical Documents, by Donald W. Bush and Charles P. Campbell.
(Oryx Press, 1995) $38.50 US. To order, contact Oryx Press at 1-800-279-6799
or fax toll-free, 1-800-279-4663.
STET! Tricks of the Trade for Writers and Editors, edited by Bruce O.
Boston. (Editorial Experts, Inc., 1986). Fifth printing 1991. ISBN
Technical Editing by Carolyn D. Rude (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991). ISBN
Technical Editing, The Practical Guide for Editors and Writers, by Judith A.
Tarutz (Addison-Wesley: Hewlett-Packard Press, 1992) ISBN 0-201-56356-8.
Fourth printing April 1994.
The High-Technology Editorial Guide and Stylebook, by Lewis Perdue. 1991
edition. (Business One Irwin, 1991). 194 pages, softcover (PC or Mac, with
Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition. (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1993). 920 pages, hardcover. USD 40, ISBN 0-226-10389-7.
The Elements of Style, 3rd Ed., by W. Strunk and E.B. White, (1979:
MacMillan Publishing Company).
American Usage & Style: The Consensus, by Roy Copperrud.
Modern English Usage, by H.W. Fowler.
Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style, by Philip Rubens. New
York: Henry Holt, 1992. ISBN: 0-8050-3091-3, 513 pages, $19.95 (paper).
The New York Public Library Writer's Guide to Style and Usage, copyright
1994 (published by HarperCollins Publishers) ISBN 0-06-270064-2.
The Writer's Essential Desk Reference. (Cincinnati, OH: Writer's Digest
Books, 1991).
ISBN: 0-89879-477-3.
Writing A to Z, edited by Kirk Polking. (Writer's Digest Books, 1990).
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats.Adobe Press (800-827-3311). 894 pp
plus CD-ROM.
(Reissued?) authors D. Murray and William Van Ryper. O'Reilly and
Associates, ISBN 1-56592-058-9 (reviewed in April 95 Byte magazine, page
Envisioning Information, by Edward Tufte. (Graphics Press: Cheshire, CT,
1990) ISBN 0961-392118.
Graphic Design for the Electronic Age, by Jan V. White.(Watson Buptill,
Illustrating Computer Documentation, by William K. Horton. (NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 1991). 313 pages, $46.50 (Can.) softcover.
The Desktop Color Book, by Michael Gosney. (NY: MIS Press). ISBN
The Icon Book: Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation, by
William Horton. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 418 pages, $39.95 (US)
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, by Edward Tufte. (Graphics
Press: Cheshire, CT, 1983). ISBN 0961-3921-0X.
The Art of Indexing, by Larry S. Bonura (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 233
pages, hardcover. ISBN 0-471-01449-4.
Indexing Books, by Nancy Mulvany. (University of Chicago Press, 19??).
Indexes: A Chapter from The Chicago Manual of Style (14th Ed.), by The
Chicago Editorial Staff. (Chicago University Press, June 1993). ISBN
0-226-10388-9, $6 US.
Indexing from A to Z, by Hans Wellisch. (H.W. Wilson, 1991). ISBN
0-8242-0807-2 , $35 US.
(For more information on indexing, mail the American Society of Indexers at
P.O. Box 386, Port Aransas, TX 78373 (512) 749-4052 for their Publications
(Course Workbook) Developing Procedures, Policies, and Documentation, by
(Information Mapping, Inc.)
(Check with: Information Mapping, Inc., 300 Third Avenue, Waltham, MA 02154
(617) 890-7003)
MindMapping, by Joyce Wycoff.
Designing Usable Texts, Duffy, Thomas M. & Waller, Robert. (Eds.) (NY:
Academic Press, 1985.)
The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, edited by Brenda Laurel.(NY:
Addison-Wesley, 1994). 523 pages, $39.95 (Can.) softcover.
User-Interface Screen Design, by Wilbert O. Galitz. 4th edition. (NY: John
Wiley & Sons, 1992). ISBN 0471561568.
1. Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1992. ISBN 0-201-62216-5. There is an
interactive animated companion CD-ROM to these Mac guidelines called "Making
it Macintosh", Addison-Wesley, 1993. ISBN 0-201-62626-8.
2. Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Amiga User Interface Style Guide. Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1991. ISBN 0-201-57757-7.
3. GO Corporation. PenPoint User Interface Design Reference. Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 1992. ISBN 0-201-60858-8.
4. Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sunsoft Inc. & USL. Common Desktop Environment:
Functional Specification (Preliminary Draft). X/Open Company Ltd., 1993.
ISBN 1-85912-001-6. Available via ftp from ftp
5. IBM. Object-Oriented Interface Design: IBM Common User Access
Guidelines. Carmel, Indiana: Que, 1992. ISBN 1-56529-170-0.
6. James Martin, Kathleen Kavanagh Chapman & Joe Leben. Systems Application
Architecture: Common User Access. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
1991. ISBN 0-13-785023-9.
7. Microsoft Corporation. The GUI Guide: International Terminology for the
Windows Interface. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993. ISBN 1-55615-538-7.
8. Microsoft Corporation. The Windows Interface: An Application Design
Guide. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1992. ISBN 1-55615-384-8.
9. Open Software Foundation. OSF/Motif Style Guide. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 1993. ISBN 0-13-643123-2.
10. NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXTSTEP User Interface Guidelines (Release 3).
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-201-63250-0.
11. Sun Microsystems, Inc. OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Application
Style Guidelines. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN
12. Sun Microsystems, Inc. OPEN LOOK Graphical User Interface Functional
Specification. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN 0-201-52365-5.
(Thanks to Samu Mielonen (f1sami -at- uta -dot- fi) Univ. of Tampere, Finland for an
earlier style guide list.)
NetLaw, by Lance Ross. (Osborne/McGraw Hill, 1995). 1-510-549-6614.
Cyberspace & The Law. 1st edition. Cavasos/Morin.(MIT Press, 1994). ISBN
0262531232. $19.95 US.
International Technical Communication: How to Export Information about High
Technology, by Nancy L. Hoft. (NY:John Wiley & Sons, 1995. ISBN:
0-471-03743-5, 400 pages, $29.95. (Contact Nancy Hoft at itech -at- mv -dot- mv -dot- com -dot- )
Developing On-Line Help for Windows, by Scott Bogan, David Farkas, and Joe
Wellinske. 2nd edition. (International Thomson Press, 1995). ISBN
0672-30230-6. $39.95 US. (Contact Int+l Thomson Press at 1-800-842-3636.
Contact David Farkas at farkas -at- u -dot- washington -dot- edu -dot- )
Designing and Writing Online Documentation: Hypermedia for Self-Supporting
Products, by William Horton. 2nd edition. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 440
pages, $29.95 (US) softcover. ISBN 0-471-30635-5
Microsoft Multimedia Viewer 2.0 How-To, by Stephen Pruitt. (Waite Group
Press, 1995). Includes CD containing a limited edition of Viewer 2.0 and
TouchSend Tools extension set. $39.95 (US), 339 pages. (Order direct from
the publisher at 1-800-368-9369). ISBN 1-878739-60-3.
The Developer's Guide to WINHELP.EXE, by Jim Mischel, edited by Jeff
Duntemann. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1994). $55.95 (Can) ISBN 0-471-30326-7.
DDM: The Documentation Development Methodology, by Sandra Pakin &
Associates, Inc. Publications Division, 6007 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago IL,
Managing Your Documentation Projects, by JoAnn T. Hackos. (NY: John Wiley &
Sons, 1994). 630 pages, $39.95 (US) softcover.
(Intro) SGML: An Author+s Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language,
by Martin Bryan. (NY: Addison-Wesley, 1988). 364 pages, $39.95(Can.)
(More detailed) Practical SGML, by Eric van Herwijnen. Second edition.
(Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994). ISBN: 0-7923-9434-8. 288
(Expert) The SGML Handbook, by Charles Goldfarb. (Oxford University Press,
ISBN 0-19-863737-9. $95 hardcover.
Being Digital, by Nicholas Negroponte.(Knopf, 1995). 243 pp.
The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman.
The Whale and the Reactor: A Search for Limits in an Age of High Technology,
by Langdon Winner. (Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1986).
Hypertext, by George P. Landow. (The John Hopkins University Press, 1994).
ISBN 0-8018-4281-6
The Society of Text: Hypertext, Hypermedia & the Social Construction of
Information. Anthology edited by Edward Barrett. (MIT Press, 1991).
Paperback edition; ISBN 0-262-552161-X. Hardcover available for $50 US
(ISBN 0-262-02291-5).
Developing Courses for Students, by Derek Rowntree. (London: Paul Chapman,
1981). ISBN 1-85396-120-5.
Developing Technical Training, by Ruth Colvin Clark. (Reading, MA: Corporate
& Professional Publishing Group, Addison-Wesley,1992). Fourth Printing,
February 1992. 263 pp. ISBN 0-201-14967-2.
The Quick Instructional Planner, by Peter Renner. (Vancouver: PFR Training
Associates, 1988). ISBN 0-6960465-6-1.
Writing Your Course, by Myra Zubot. (Regina: University of Saskatchewan
Extension Press, 1993). ISBN 0-88880-292-7.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing, by Joseph S. Dumas and Janice C.
Redish, Ablex Publishing, 1993, ISBN: 0-89391-991-8, 412 pp., $27.50
The Mosaic Handbook for Microsoft Windows, by Dale Dougherty and Richard
Koman. (Sebastopol: O+Reilly and Associates, 1994). 204 pages, $35.95 (Can.)
HTML Manual of Style:Writing Documents for the WWW, by Aronson. (Publisher,
Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML in a Week, by Laura Lemay.(Sams
Publishing, 1995). (If you have access to WWW, you can look at a sample
chapter on Macmillan's USA Information Superlibrary (URL
http://www.mcp.com/) before you buy the book. You can even get a discount
by ordering from the net.)
The HTML Sourcebook, by Ian S. Graham. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1995). 416
pages, $41.95 (Can.) softcover, ISBN 0-471-11849-4.
The World Wide Web Unleashed, by John December & Nel Randall. 1st edition.
(Sams Publishing, 1994). ISBN 0672306174. $35.00 US.
World Wide Web Bible, by Bryan Pfaffenberger. (MIS Press (a subsidiary of
Henry Holt & Co., Inc.: March, 1995). ISBN 1-55828-410-9, 450 pages, book &
disk $27.95 US.
Technical Writer's Freelancing Guide, by Peter Kent. (NY: Sterling
Publishing Co., 1992). $12.95 softcover. ISBN 0-8069-5836-7.
The Contract and Fee-setting Guide for Consultants and Professionals, by
Howard L. Shenson. (NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1990). ISBN 0-471-51538-8.
Web Sites for Technical Communicators
ACM SigCHI Home Page (Provides a collection of links to HCI resources on the
web): http://www.acm.org/sigchi/.
Acronym Web Page: www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/acro.html
Adobe TechNotes WWW Page: http://www.adobe.com/Support/TechNotes.html
Altura Software (WinHelp/MV to MAC programs):
http://www.altura.com/jordanz/home.html and e-mail quickhelp -at- altura -dot- com or
altura -at- aol -dot- com
BaDge Web Page(WinHelp author extraordinaire):
CalPoly TechComm Web Page (graduate seminar web project at California
Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo): www.calpoly.edu/~techcomm
Cascadilla Press Web Page (Help Browser):
Computer Literacy Bookshop: http://www.clbooks.com/.
Copyright Info Page: http://www.openmarket.com/copyright/html/lawinfo.html
Creating Copyright Solutions: http://www.openmarket.com/copyright/.
HTML Windows author by InContext (free beta eval version):
HTML Development Sites:
http://home.mcom.com/home/how-to-create-web-services, tml
HTML Special Characters: This is an excellent reference for special
characters in html: http://www.primenet.com/~boo/iso-8859-1.html
HTML Web Designer+s Web Page: http://www.mindspring.com/guild/index.html.
HTML/Excel templates: For really cool templates, check out two templates
that export Excel data in table or calendar format to html:
Icon Source: http://white.nosc.mil/images.html#anchor11
Internet Resources for Technical Communicators:
Internet World HTML Primer:
KNOWware's Home Page:http://www.metainfo.com/knowware/
Lamaura Software (WinHelp Tools and free software):
Macmillan Information SuperLibrary: http://www.mcp.com/, then click or
choose Alpha.
Microsoft Developer Network News May/June 1995: Story on WinHelp 4.0;
Microsoft Network: http://www.msn.net/
New Hacker's Dictionary: http://www.ccil.org/jargon/jargon_toc.html
NewsPage (online news service): More than 25,000 pages refreshed daily from
500 news sources: http://www.newspage.com
OAK Repository (WinHelp files):
Olson Software (WinHelp DLLs, etc):
On-Line Dictionary of Computing (free): http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/
Real Audio: http://www.realaudio.com/
Seamless WEBsite-Law and Legal Resources Page: <http://www.seamless.com/
STC Central Web Page: http://stc.org (STC WWW site in New York.)
STC Pointers Web Page: http://www-itg.lbl.gov/~jtchew/STC.pointer.pg.shtml
Top Ten Ways to Make a Web Site Flop (satire):
Windows Help Universe Web Page: http://www.primenet.com/~wai/universe.html
WINHLP-L Mailing List Home Page : http://www.humberc.on.ca/~byrnes/winhelp
Word for Windows Files (inc. WinHelp aids):
WWW Virtual Library: Writers' Resources on the Web:
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