Title for innovative science course?

Subject: Title for innovative science course?
From: Kat Nagel/MasterWork <katnagel -at- EZNET -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 15:59:52 -0400

I'm not sure whether this is appropriate fodder for the list. If not,
please let me know *gently* and I won't do it again.

As a 'technical word expert', I've been asked to suggest a title for a new
course at a local alternative high school. I'm having trouble coming up
with something catchy enough to attract teenagers (14-19) to the course.

Course description:
Meets every day for 3 hours
(kids will get science, social studies, & English credit)
Lots of writing, hands-on projects, field trips
Subjects to be covered:
Human biology (intro level)
What are we? Where did we come from? How are
we (like/different from) other critters?
Developmental psychology
Why do we (feel/act) the way we do? Why don't our
parents act (feel/act) us?
IQ, aptitude, and personality testing
How do the tests work? Are they accurate?
What can I learn from them?
Personal values
What are some common value systems (philosophy/
religion)? What are my values? How do they
(resemble/differ from) those of my (friends/
family/people in other cultures)?
Geneology? Other stuff?

The working title is 'Know Yourself'. Yuck. Other possibilities include
'Who Am I?'
'You, Me, Us, & Them'
'Personal Biology'
'People: Science & Insight'

I feel brain dead. It would be easier to write an installation manual from
a preliminary engineering drawing.

The principal just called me at 2:25pm Thursday, and he wants the title
tomorrow (Friday). I get the digest version of this list, which doesnt
arrive until late afternoon, so please reply by email to katnagel -at- eznet -dot- net

Thank you,

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Kat Nagel LIFE1 (techwriting) katnagel -at- eznet -dot- net
MasterWork LIFE2 (music) PlaynSong -at- aol -dot- com

/| It's more fun to arrive at a conclusion
\'o.O' than to justify it.
=(___)= ......Malcolm S. Forbes

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