Re: Data

Subject: Re: Data
From: "Arlen P. Walker" <Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 1995 11:48:00 -0600

Is there a consensus regarding using a singular verb with the word Data?
If this has been hashed before I apologize.

"Data" is most definitely a plural noun. But to avoid offending sensibilities on
this side of the ocean (where all too many people are sure it's singular) I
usually try to avoid using it as a subject.

"The data tells me..."


"Looking at the data, I see..."

(Yes, I know, neither example is stellar. When the list starts paying my bills,
I'll devote more effort to coming up with these things. ;{>} )

Have fun,
Chief Managing Director In Charge, Department of Redundancy Department

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- Com
In God we trust; all others must provide data.

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