Translation into Russian, Cyrillic fonts, etc.

Subject: Translation into Russian, Cyrillic fonts, etc.
From: David Hancock <djh -at- ARINC -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 14:33:48 EST

My company may be called upon to get a short user manual translated to
Russian in the next month or so. Has anyone out there in TECHWR-L land
got any suggestions? A few of the questions that come to mind are:

1. How best to find a translation vendor
2. What wordprocessor can support this job
3. How to deal with Cyrillic fonts
4. How much is it likely to cost (per page, word, whatever)

I'm a digest subscriber, so please understand if you don't get my
acknowledgement right away.

Thanks for any information you can provide.

David Hancock | dhancock -at- arinc -dot- com

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