Re[2]: whining and useless drivel

Subject: Re[2]: whining and useless drivel
From: Virginia Krenn <asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 08:57:30 CDT


I suggest that the next time you feel inclined to post a flame to this
list that you make sure you know who and what you are flaming.

It was wnash -at- sunquest -dot- com who said that this list contained whining,
useless drivel and I did NOT agree with him.

However, I do resent your derogatory remarks about Oklahoma and your
lack of ability to communicate without resorting to unwelcome


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author: Gus Lemming <lemming -at- pts -dot- mot -dot- com> at SMTP

asdxvlk -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu writes:
> To: wnash

> I resent your posting of such whining, useless drivel to this list.

> From: Virginia 8-)

> ______________________ Reply Separator ____________________
> Author: wnash -at- sunquest -dot- com at SMTP

> Does anyone know if there is another newsgroup on the topic of technical
> communication that doesn't attract so much whining and useless drivel?

First off, by saying this newsgroup has quite a bit whining and drivel, isn't
actually WHINING and filling this space with DRIVEL?
******* -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu -dot- -dot- -dot-; is that Oklahoma? Speaking of a place with a real sense of self
All together now - Oklahoma is O.K. It's not great. It's not good. Mediocre
is too
difficult to spell. It's just o.k.

Now why would tech writers whine and driv? We're mostly a work world lunatic
bunch, that are paid pretty well to write giant recipe books for those linear
engineer types who have trouble communicating in anything but binary.

If anything, we should all just go about our tasks, waiting for that "cha-ching"
sound once a week in our bank accounts.

Having said that, here is a tech writer survey:

Do you prefer:

1. in order the following:

2. in order to...perform the following steps:

3. in order to...ask someone that gives a shit.

4. in order to...just fucking do this:

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