Who can't write?

Subject: Who can't write?
From: nancy ott <ott -at- ANSOFT -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 13:01:23 EDT

So engineers can't write? You're not the only one with that opinion.

While taking a technical writing course in college, I was told by the
professor -- in front of the entire class, mind you -- that because I
was an engineering student I would be unable to handle the course
work, and that I shoud trot over to the registrar right then and there
and drop the class. I declined. I ended up with an A in the course
-- mainly because the teaching assistants did the actual grading (and
the bulk of the teaching as well)!

I try not to judge people by their job classifications, but by their
actions and words. I've known engineers and scientists who wrote
extremely well, and writers who wrote very badly. (I've also
encountered plenty of folks who thought they were wonderful writers
but were actually the opposite ... call it the "Shelly LaRock's
Boyfreind Syndrome," for want of a better term! :-)

To generalize, generalities are generally inaccurate! 8-)

- nancy

nancy ott....Ansoft Corporation....Pittsburgh, PA -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- ott -at- ansoft -dot- com
Language is a virus from outer space.
- William S. Burroughs

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