Re: Keye Seminars

Subject: Re: Keye Seminars
From: Michael Downs <mdowns -at- CHROME -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 1994 13:14:54 LCL

TO: Tuesday Frase
On Keye Seminars

I attended one of the Keye technical writing seminars in
Portland, Oregon two years ago. The instructor was OK, not
super dynamic (it was a woman with a fair amount of
marketing and education background) and I don't remember her
name. It was a full day seminar, held in one of our better

I would recommend the seminar to beginning business
writers who do not have prior background or formal training
(like me). It was OK, my company paid for it, and I got out
of the office for a day. Our group consisted of teachers of
writing, insurance writers, safety services documenters and
marketing people. There were several good questions from
the participants. The seminar included a workbook which I
have found helpful. However there was a come-on to buy lots
of extra books form their publishing department.

Two things stand out for me. The seminar broadened my
appreciation of what technical writing includes. And
suggestions that were made on resources are ones that I have
since seen recommended by others.

Michael Downs
mdowns -at- chrome -dot- com
voice (800) 936-8901

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