July 31, 1994

Subject: July 31, 1994
From: Klaus Dette <dette -at- RS14 -dot- BV -dot- TU-BERLIN -dot- DE>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 16:23:03 +0100

Dear friends,
I love to apply the concept of "serendipity" since years when Internet was still
unknown outside the expert's network world.
As a frequent Internet user since some time
I find that serendipity is the right concept
to describe the value of the Internet.

According to my little "1972 Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary" the concept
of "serendipity" is defined as: the faculty of making happy chance finds.
["Serendip", a former name for Ceylon. "Horace Walpole" coined the word (1754)
from the title of the fairy-tale "The Three Princes of Serendip", whose heroes
were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were
not in quest of.
Who can help me, to find bibliographical details of the fairy-tale? better,
where do I find a copy of it?
In German the concept of serendipity is transformed to "Serendipitaet". But it
is impossible to get the looked for information in this country.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you very soon!
Regards, Klaus

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