Very bad manuscript

Subject: Very bad manuscript
From: "Cheng, Derek" <Cderek -at- GATE-HAL -dot- PSD -dot- SYMBOL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 10:57:27 EDT

Just to give you all a clue as to some of the hienous documents we've
inherited, here's a sample:

"However, you are not required to exit the diagnostic screen before
exiting (product name). If you simply close your System Manganment PC's
(product name) link and leave the NCU running in the remote diagnostics
main menu, you will defeat the security system."

I'm both going crazy with this one and laughing my head off. There's much
more in this doc. This is just the one that had me ROTFL. Whew! I need
more coffee!

The frightening thing is that this previous writer,... never mind. I
better not say. :}

| "Cerebus would kill a yak for your supper." |
| - Cerebus, on love |
cderek -at- psd -dot- symbol -dot- com

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