Re: Dirty words

Subject: Re: Dirty words
From: Heilan Yvette Grimes <HEP2 -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 19:10:02 EDT

>If you then look up ``shit,'' you'll see that those ME folks had almost as
>many words for ``crap'' as Eskimoes have words for snow. They sure must
>have been experts. Crap, by the way, apparently meant ``pork chop.''
>Fascinating. Find reasons do bring up this topic at the dinner table
>this evening.

----This is off the subject of etymology, but relevant to the above. I was in
York, England last year (originally the Norse settlement of Jarvik). The
viking museum there had a ride through exhibit of what life was like in
Jarvik. As the car came to the back of the village there was an exhibit of a
viking/englishman relieving himself, half-hidden by the woven basket-like
fence around him as he squatted outdoors. The museum was thoughtful enough to
actually recreate the smell of the village. The stench was horrible and I can
well understand why they had so many words for crap.

>Does anyone know a good expletive I can use to express my surprise and

><Heavy Sigh>

----I've always been partial to balderdash and zounds.

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