Re: Smiley Punctuation

Subject: Re: Smiley Punctuation
From: Louise Penberthy <louise -at- PRAVDA -dot- CC -dot- GATECH -dot- EDU>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 17:36:12 -0400

In article <Csy80y -dot- Gor -at- news -dot- cis -dot- umn -dot- edu>,
Katharine M Schommer <scho0106 -at- gold -dot- tc -dot- umn -dot- edu> wrote:
>Another question: when using a smiley at the end of a parenthetical
>remark, is another paren necessary? (this is an example :-) (this is
>another example :-)) I've seen it rendered both ways.

I like the second, because when I first saw the smiley used, for
some reason I always saw it included in parentheses. So when I
saw ( blah blah blah :-), I always wondered what the funny symbol
":-" meant! If the last parenthesis hadn't done double duty, I
might have figured it out earlier. ( blah blah blah :-)) is
easier for a newbie to parse.

But I have since seen the smiley dictionary, so I am completely
informed and no longer a newbie. ;)

-- Louise Penberthy

Louise Penberthy | O Goddess, keep me in the company of
LCC | those who seek the truth, and preserve
Georgia Tech | me from those who have found it.
louise -at- pravda -dot- cc -dot- gatech -dot- edu |

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