Re: What the f -at- #$?

Subject: Re: What the f -at- #$?
From: Gwen Gall <ggall -at- CA -dot- ORACLE -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 15:04:05 EDT

In-Reply-To: CNSEQ1:TECHWR-L -at- VM1 -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu's message of 07-27-94 07:32

Scott J. Wilson says:

I find it especially ironic that on the techwr-l list we can't find better
ways to amuse, offend, exasperate than by using relatively common "curse

Scott, not to be contentious, <pause with grin> but as technical writers
rather than literary writers, is it not our goal to be precisely, un-
ambiguously, understood by our readers? We're not in the business of creative
obfuscation for the purposes of impressing or in the name of propriety, or of
evoking interestng, alternative imagery and ideas in our readers' minds. That's
either for marketing types, old ladies (sexism not intended but reflected),
or fiction writers, depending on the purpose.

If this is true, then it follows that our word choices should reflect as
exactly as possible what they mean! <triumphant grin>

Take care, and may your dog go with you,


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