Digests/reading instructions

Subject: Digests/reading instructions
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 14:49:09 -0500

For those who asked the question about digests,
I believe the command is
set mail digest

and you send it to listserv%vm1 -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu -at- internet
with no subject line and no sig.

(Please correct me if this is wrong.)

I don't wish to attack any particular persons, but this relates
to the piano practice room story. Isn't it funny that even
tech writers don't read the instructions that they are given?
"How to get digests" and "How to unsubscribe" are just two of
the topics in the message that each of us received when we
first subscribed to this list, yet these questions still
come up on occasion.

Perhaps the problem is "where do I store this information now
that I've read it."

lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com
It sounds like the Laserjet is through, so I'll get back to my
bread and butter.

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