
Subject: incentives
From: Vicki Rosenzweig <murphy!acmcr!vr -at- UUNET -dot- UU -dot- NET>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 15:15:11 EDT

I don't think an incentive has to be a material thing: other
incentives to respond would include a response from the company,
especially if it fixed any problems you reported. Think of this
list as an example: none of us is getting paid to post (except
in the sense that we may be able to do so from our jobs), but
we do it for the pleasure of sharing information and because we
know that we may need an answer sometime. I'm not sure how to
get (back) to that point in the context of reader comments on
documentation, since too many people have already learned that
their comments will not be acted on; I just wanted to point out
that incentives don't have to be material.

Vicki Rosenzweig
vr%acmcr -dot- uucp -at- murphy -dot- com
New York, NY

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