[no subject]

From: "Arlen P. Walker" <arlen -dot- walker -at- JCI -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 08:28:52 -0500

>Scalable vs. Scaleable

>Random house says "scalable" is an adjective meaning "capable of being scaled
>or climbed."

"Scalable" follows the spelling rules I learned way back in elementary
school. The only time the silent "e" is kept before adding a suffix is when
it's required for pronunciation, such as keeping c's or g's soft or keeping
a vowel long. None of those exceptions apply to scalable.

Don't rely on Microsoft's spelling checker. I learned that back in Word
3.x, when it told me that the word "wave" was misspelled. It's suggested
alternate spelling? "wave."

Have Fun,

arlen -dot- walker -at- jci -dot- com
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