Re[2]: Let's see some examples, Virginia.

Subject: Re[2]: Let's see some examples, Virginia.
From: Virginia Krenn <asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 09:05:26 CDT

I tried to send this message yesterday. But, apparently it didn't make
it to the list. So, I'm reposting it this morning. Hope that you don't
get it twice.


Sorry that my message wasn't clear!

The "general rule" that I was referring to was the one that states
that a vowel at the end of a syllable gives the other vowel in the
syllable the long sound and that a consonant at the end of a syllable
gives the other vowel in the syllable the short sound.

I didn't intend to imply that this would also always continue to be
true when a suffix (like "ing") is added to the word. I was merely
using this as a background explanation of why I preferred the word
"scaleable" as opposed to "scalable".

While we're on the subject of "general rule in Oklahoma", there is
something that I have been wondering for quite some time.

Most of the people I know pronouce the letter "o" in words like corn
and orange with the long o sound. The dictionaries indicate that the
short o sound should be used for these types of words. I've wondered
which parts of the country use which pronunciation.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________

>Virginia Krenn (asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU) writes:

> Because the e at the end of a syllable determines the pronunciation
> of the other vowel in the syllable, I would opt for scaleable (sounds
> like pale as opposed to scalable (sounds like pal). There may be
> exceptions to this rule. But, this is generally true.

>Not to flame, Virginia, but I'd like some examples of this
>thing you say is 'generally true.' I suppose everything has
>exceptions (with exceptions, of course) but just off the top
>of my head:

>page --> paging
>skate --> skating
>drape --> draping
>gape --> gaping
>brake --> braking
>stage --> staging
>rage --> raging
>forage --> foraging
>storage --> storing
>bore --> boring
>snore --> snoring
>deplore --> deploring

>Or maybe it's just a general rule in Oklahoma. I've
>never been there. I know these don't all exactly match
>your point, but I think I found a more general rule
>than yours.

>David Oberstadt Santa Teresa Lab
>daveo -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com San Jose, California

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