Re: TECHWR-L Digest - 17 Ju

Subject: Re: TECHWR-L Digest - 17 Ju
From: Nora Merhar <merhar -at- ALENA -dot- CORP -dot- ROCKWELL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 13:27:39 CDT

Michael Cooperman writes

"Does anybody know whether their users read their books? And, for those who
do, how do you find out?"

Our users DO read our documents. How do we know? We get complaints. Nobody
ever seems to fill out the reader reply card that we include in the beginning
of the documents, but every now and then we get a call or a comment from the
user group that begins "The documents should include..." or "Why can't
I find...". I am assuming that the documents we don't get complaints about,
nobody reads :-7

We do try to field trial the documents, by which I mean that we send the docs
out with the product for the field trial. We never get any input this way.
Anybody have any ideas on a better way to field trial documentation?

merhar -at- switch -dot- rockwell -dot- com

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