Re: Standards

Subject: Re: Standards
From: Mike Christie <mikec -at- SYNTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 09:13:09 PDT

Kevin Montgomery writes:
>Everyone loves standards (except me). When you have a standard,
>you need not think about the products or services you design or

And the fact that our 486s and Pentiums are still limited by a 1980-style
BIOS (as Dvorak never gets tired of haranguing about) is a goood example.

On the other hand, I recently upgraded my 486 at home, added a second hard
drive, memory, and a CD ROM. Feeling like I was spending enough money
already, I didn't get a sound board. When, a month later, my wife and I
decided we couldn't live without one, (yes, yes, I know we should have gotten
it in the first place!) we bought a low-end "Soundblaster
Compatible." HA! Software, yes. Hardware, no. Not even Silicon Valley's
favorite computer super store had the right audio cable. Believe me, there was
a lot of loud cursing and swearing about "lack of standards", not to mention
the hours lost on a Sunday afternoon, buying and returning cables.
There *is* something to be said for standards.

(BTW - Does anyone know where I can find a Sony (board connector) to Plextor
(CD) auido cable?)

Mike Christie
Technical Writer
Syntelligence Systems, Inc.
mikec -at- syntel -dot- com

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