
Subject: Flames?
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 08:33:10 PST

Lately, a few people have complained about flames they have read on
this list. So far, after I've read one of these complaints I've just
figured that I must have missed something; I've only read what I
consider flames once or twice since I've subscribed to TECHWR-L. Now
I think that, perhaps, it's not me who has missed something.

Disagreement is not a flame. But it seems that much of the
complaining is aimed at people who simply say that they don't agree
with something someone said. Again, that's not flaming.

Some of us just like to have a good argument. By "good" I mean not
mean-spirited. We enjoy discussing debatable topics, that's all.

So, when someone on this list writes a disagreement about something I
said, I am certainly not offended. Rather, I just feel sorry for them
because they are not as smart as I am. :*) :*) Beth

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