Re: Manual updates--summary

Subject: Re: Manual updates--summary
From: Karla McMaster <mcmaster%pcmail -dot- cti-pet -dot- com -at- CTI-PET -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 14:33:23 EST

Found this lying around in my in-box...Think it answers Kelly's recent

Karla McMaster, technical writer
CTI-PET Systems, Inc., Knoxville, TN
mcmaster -at- cti-pet -dot- com

Here is a summary of the responses we received regarding manual updates:

We got 17 responses. Nine people suggested issuing updated pages with a
cover memo, telling users the pages to replace and highlighting the main
changes. Several people felt that these changes were ignored, and some
seemed to have proof of it.

Five people suggested reissuing whole units. They seemed to feel this
was effective with users.

Three people recommended issuing separate updates rather than replacement
pages, and adding a tab to the manual for these updates. The whole manual
could be revised periodically.

One respondent suggested going on-line with updates. My wife would like
to know if anyone knows of an on-line system that accommodates large
files. The manual she is working on includes many graphics.

As one person suggested and others seem to have done, she is going to
do a user survey to see what form of update they would find most useful.

Again, thank you for all your responses; they were very
thoughtful and helpful.

Ray Peters (rpeters -at- brahms -dot- udel -dot- edu)
University of Delaware

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