So who is truly tougher?

Subject: So who is truly tougher?
From: Marilynne Smith <m -dot- smith182 -at- GENIE -dot- GEIS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 08:55:00 UTC

It seems to me that the ability to

- control our anger
- express ourselves clearly
- understand other points of view
- accept the fact that not everyone agrees with us
- debate issues in a civilized fashion
- overlook breaches of manners in others

are good skills in the work place and we would benefit from practicing these
skills on the net as well.

We can be "flamed" at work as well. When someone is emotional and angry, I
try not to become part of their emotion and anger. Just because they are
having a bad day doesn't mean I have to join them and have a bad day too.

Here ends the homily for the day. <grin>

m -dot- smith182 -at- genie -dot- geis -dot- com

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