So who is truly tougher?

Subject: So who is truly tougher?
From: Richard Sobocinski <"Richard_G_Sobocinski%~WHC207"@CCMAIL.PNL.GOV>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 11:07:00 -0700

I am amazed--truly amazed!--at postings that defend flames and blame the
thin skins of those who are offended. How can these otherwise intelligent
people be so apparently clueless about the common denominator between an
email flame and the punch in the jaw or slash of the knife of, say, a wife-
or child-abuser...
That's a bit of a stretch!

No doubt I will be excoriated for equating verbal and physical abuse.
violence is violence.
Yup again.
Think the thought, speak the word, and you will
eventually do the deed.
Wrong! Sounds like psycho-babble.

Here endeth my harangue.

helir -at- msmailhq -dot- netimage -dot- com
"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me...."


I'm not defending the practice of flaming and I personally
don't really care for it. It seems to be quite an
exaggeration, though, to equate flamers with axe murderers
and child abusers. JMHO.

rxs459 -at- fep1 -dot- rl -dot- gov

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