Technical Writer Position

Subject: Technical Writer Position
From: "Kate M. Jarsulic" <kjarsuli -at- CCD -dot- HARRIS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 16:26:51 -0400

Hi there everyone. I have been out here lurking for a while and would
like to post information that I have on a job opening at Harris
Controls Division. I am including the message that we posted on

If you are interested or know someone who is interested, please feel free
to forward this information.

-------------------------------Included Message-----------------------------

You will write to a variety of audience levels who use our product and be
responsible for maintaining the documents with each new software upgrade or

You must have the following required skills:

o You must have a degree in Technical Communications, English,
Journalism, or a related field.

o You must be willing to work with a team of writers in the
creation of user's guides, software descriptions, tutorials, and
other types of documentation that will be delivered to our customers.

o You must be able to work on FrameMaker.

o You should be familliar with X motif based applications, UNIX, and vi.

Intersted applicants should contact Paul V. Kottmer, Lead Human Resources

email - pkottmer -at- ccd -dot- harris -dot- com
fax - (407) 242-4021

--------------------------End Included Message-----------------------------

Kate Jarsulic
Technical Writer (407)242-5316
Harris Controls Division kjarsuli -at- ccd -dot- harris -dot- com

Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and
there is some evidence that they can't read them either.

-Gore Vidal

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