Re: Unsubscribe

Subject: Re: Unsubscribe
From: "Mary M. Deaton" <Marymd -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 14:41:44 EDT

Apparently people on this mailing list believe that there should be no new
people added, or if they are, they should be made to feel as unwelcome as
possible if they make errors. I did not know it was being sent to the whole
list, but I am not sure it bothers me now that it has been.

I am appalled at the kinds of mail I have gotten from people. I doubt they
would talk that way to someone face-to-face. If they would, I would certainly
be glad to no longer have to listen to them. Why is it that electronic mail
seems to have removed the need for courtesy in discourse?

The comment was intended for the people who operate the mailing list. I have
been extremely frustrated with the volume of mail about such narrow subject
matter and the difficulty in figuring out how best to interact with it. I
guess I am just not a Net kind of person. I don't have time in my day to
spend reading about things that do not directly affect my job or add to my
skill set.

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