Finding usability studies for level of detail in manuals

Subject: Finding usability studies for level of detail in manuals
From: Karen Walters <walters -at- PROMIS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 09:26:50 -0400

I apologize in advance if this topic has been covered recently on this

I am looking for any usability studies that are written on
the level of detail appropriate for a manual when the type of manual
and the target audience have already been identified. I am hoping to find
studies that are content specific (i.e., ignoring structure, style and
format as much as possible). I want information on the level and types of
detail that detract from readability of the manual, as well as the level
and types of detail that enhance readability.

I think this type of study may be industry specific. If so, I am looking for
studies on software products specifically. Can anyone suggest readings?

walters -at- promis -dot- com


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