Conversion from Interleaf o

Subject: Conversion from Interleaf o
From: Liz Babcock <Liz_Babcock -at- C28B5 -dot- CHINALAKE -dot- NAVY -dot- MIL>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 16:21:23 -0800

Mail*Link(r) SMTP Conversion from Interleaf on VAX to Mac MSWord_
Phyllis Dame, who works here at China Lake with me but who does not have
Internet access, has asked me to pose the following problem to all you good
list participants. Please respond either on the list or to me at

liz_babcock -at- c28b5 -dot- chinalake -dot- navy -dot- mil

I'll pass the answers along to Phyllis. Thanks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We have numerous documents and/or drawings created on the VAX using Interleaf.
Our goal is to somehow convert these documents from the VAX to Mac MSWord 5.1.

Research locally has revealed several methods to do this. One reply was
*forget it*, it cannot be done. Reply 2 was: access these files via the VAX
terminal, convert the file to ASCII, then (theoretically) save the document on
a Mac compatible disk. Then, using Interleaf on the Mac, reformat the document
and save again in MS Word. Another reply has to do with using a "Blueberry
Filter" to strip the Interleaf formatting on the file and save it as a Mac file
on Microsoft Word.

I'm confused...please, is there someone who has an answer to this problem?
When the files (document file) was accessed via the terminal and saved in
ASCII, the Interleaf formatting was not stripped, therefore the file was
garbage and could not be used. This applied to the drawing file as well.

We have access to the VAX, the terminal, a Sun hardware system, Interleaf
software on the Mac, and the Mac itself. We do not have a filter (Blueberry or
other). If this is the answer, where would we get a filter and approximately
what would it cost?

Any suggestions? Thanks for listening.

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