Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page

Subject: Re: Putting a logo in the background of a text page
From: "Contr Karl E. Vogel" <vogelke -at- C-17IGP -dot- WPAFB -dot- AF -dot- MIL>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 1994 18:54:17 -0400

>> On Tue, 5 Jul 1994 20:53:48 GMT,
>> mikec -at- syntel -dot- com said:

M> I tried Karl Vogel's Postscript code to add the word "Draft" in gray
M> behind the text in my manual. It worked great, but only on the first
M> page, of course. [...] Can some Postscript guru out there come up with a
M> modification whereby I can pop it into the top of my Postscript file and
M> have it automatically print "Draft" on each page?

Take a look at the generated PostScript for your manual, and see if there
is a macro called at the beginning of each page. Our PostScript filters
use "StartPage" as the macro name. Here's an example:

/StartPage{/sv save def 48 760 moveto}def

You should be able to add the "draft" stuff after the "{" and get the
word "Draft" on every page, like this:

/StartPage{gsave /font /Helvetica-Bold def /pointsize 72 def
/text (DRAFT) def /center {dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto}
def 306 396 moveto .8 setgray font findfont pointsize scalefont
setfont 45 rotate 24 0 text center ashow grestore
/sv save def 48 760 moveto}def

Karl Vogel vogelke -at- c-17igp -dot- wpafb -dot- af -dot- mil []

If you can't beat them, beat them. --Tonya Harding

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