Re: Frame-to-HTML converter?

Subject: Re: Frame-to-HTML converter?
From: Jonathan Lavigne <jpl -at- LYRA -dot- STANFORD -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 1994 05:13:33 GMT

Patrick O'Connell <patricko -at- eicon -dot- com> writes:

>Damned if I can remember on which list it appeared, but no more than a month
>ago someone posted something about a forthcoming program call Frame2Web or
>Web2Frame or something like that. Actually, I think it was called WebMaker.

>The general idea was a straight converter from FrameMaker files to HTML,
>without having to use RTF as an intermediary. Anyhow, I can't seem to find
>the digest containing that post. Can anybody help?

You can get information about WebMaker through URL:

It's a Unix program, but it wasn't clear to me from glancing at the FAQ whether
it will work with FrameMaker files produced on other platforms.
Jonathan Lavigne BL -dot- JPL -at- RLG -dot- STANFORD -dot- EDU
Research Libraries Group/Stanford University

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