Re: Online Bookstores (was TECHNO-BABBLE)

Subject: Re: Online Bookstores (was TECHNO-BABBLE)
From: lmann -at- TELERAMA -dot- LM -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 15:30:08 -0400

Lori Lathrop (76620 -dot- 456 -at- compuserve -dot- com) wrote:
> Here's a list of the online bookstores I mentioned in my book, _An
> Indexer's Guide to the Internet_. You can handle all transactions via
> e-mail;

Here's another one (in case you wind up updating your book):

borders -at- telerama -dot- lm -dot- com

This E-mail address will connect you to the Borders Book Shop in
Pittsburgh. We can take book orders over E-mail. Send us your
daytime phone number so we can call you for your credit card
info. We have an extensive computer section, and can special
orders for almost anything currently in print. Borders handles new
and domestically-published books only.

****Laurie Mann * * lmann -at- telerama -dot- lm -dot- com * * Laurie.Mann (GEnie)****
***I would like to believe in God, but I just believe in Billy Wilder***
*Director of Belle Epoque, 1993 Best Foreign-language Film Oscar winner*
* Geek: GAT d@ -p+ c++@ l- u+ e+ m*@ s+/++ n+l-- h- f+ g+ w+ t+ r x+ *

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