Naps .. ZZZZ

Subject: Naps .. ZZZZ
From: Valarie <TASSARI -at- CGI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 15:05:21 -0400

Ok, so who was looking over my shoulder yesterday afternoon?

I must say that the topic of napping in the afternoon hasn't been
discussed in a public forum at my company, but yesterday afternoon
would have been much more productive for me if I had been able to
take one!

My company treats employee's time at work on an honor basis. They
trust that if you have entered 8 hours of work on your timesheet,
you have, in actuality, worked 8 hours. So, the point here is
that noone is looking over my shoulder to be sure I'm working. There
ARE couches (although not very comfy) in our lunch rooms (and not very
private) where I've seen one or more pregnant employees sack out
for an afternoon siesta, but never anyone without an obvious
"physical" need -- other than our previous stock boy, but he's another
story...(and he left of his own volition, he wasn't fired).

I would imagine if I said I wasn't feeling well and thought
it would help if I laid down for a bit, that I wouldn't get too
much static. I wouldn't make a habit of it though. I think I might
post a message on our bboards to see if I get any bites.

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